Wednesday 9 August 2017

Solar pool heating – An Eco-friendly alternative

While swimming pools are a great way to blow off some steam in the excruciating heat in summers but for those water lovers who want to swim around in a pool all year round, it gets tough as summer ends. Trust me no one enjoys jumping in the water to realize that it’s too cold to have a relaxing swim. So it’s a must for a pool owner to install a pool heater and the debate is whether to go for a heater that runs on gas or to use a solar pool heating system.

 This is probably the most debated issue, whether to go green or keep burning fossil fuel and polluting the environment. Despite the fact that the fuel based heaters are continuously giving out toxic fumes into the air destroying the environment and causing greenhouse effect many people still won’t go for an Eco-friendly alternative because they think they’re saving themselves a lot of money by not going with an Eco-friendly setup.

Solar pool installation used to cost quite a bit in the past, but now it’s getting cheaper more effective and so easy to install that many people prefer to install it themselves reducing the solar pool heating cost to a minimum. Installing it means a green renewable source of energy that wouldn’t even cost you a dime once it’s installed.

Solar pool heaters require almost no maintenance and come with a guarantee of almost 10-12 years and are expected to work for almost 20 years. Whereas fuel based heaters can cost you over $200 monthly and will require a lot of maintenance and are guaranteed to work for only about 2-3 years.

This means that despite having a higher initial cost, solar pool heaters are still a better option and they are expected to pay back their cost within a few years.

Solar pool heaters are as efficient in heating as a fuel based heater; in fact, the solar heaters are most efficient while heating a large water body that needs to be only a few degrees warmer. You can always take more initiatives such as covering your pools when they’re not being used to ensure that your pool heater is being as efficient as it can be.

So, the solar pool heaters are not just an eco-friendly alternative but also an economical decision that will save you a lot of money in the long run

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